Inspired by a similar event held in London against the backdrop of the British Museum’s Manga exhibition in 2019, the student study group on Japanese animation at the Institute of Japanese Studies organizes an event in which we want to look at Miyazaki Hayao’s 1984 movie Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and discuss this and other of his works in the framework of present discussions on climate, nature, civilization and consumption. Members of the study group will present short introductions on some topics to offer contextualization for the movie, but the focus of the event will of course be on the panel discussion. For this reason, we hope for many participants of all fields and affiliations, whether it be students, lecturers, professors or just friends of friends of friends.
When: January 23rd (Thursday), 6pm sharp (18:00)
Where: Room 212 in the KJC
The movie will be shown in Japanese with English subtitles.
We look forward to a fruitful and enlightening discussion and, of course, a nice evening together!